I’m sure everyone has heard of the promotions lots of companies do where they offer money in exchange for a sign-up, perhaps a referral, or maybe some sort of quick task. These types of thing are commonly known as “beermoney”, a separate fund that you use for small purchases, like beer, to make them feel free.
What if you didn’t stop there? Sure, you might get a free coffee or perhaps even a few, but then once it’s over you’re back to where you started!
We have another idea.
Why not put that money to use, for permanent beermoney that doesn’t require you to sign up to something new every day?
Sure, this is hardly a novel idea. I bet there are plenty of people that invest the money they make from these offers, including myself. Where’s the fun in that though? You’ll just forget about it and move on.
Why not invest that money separately, into another kind of investment that pays you frequently and in small amounts. At it’s core, beermoney was always about these small payments that you could take and spend without feeling guilty because it felt free.
It’s unlikely to be the most effective method to invest, but beermoney isn’t the best way to make money either. It’s easy online tasks. It’s about having a small extra income that you can spend on yourself, guilt-free.